International Leadership Committee

RoundtableThe International Leadership Committee (ILC) is responsible for nominating International Officer and Director candidates from the pool of applicants. This committee may also seek out qualified applicants and encourage them to be candidates. The ILC is tasked with nominating at least two candidates for Second Vice President and at least two candidates for International Director for each region from which a director will be elected that year.

Each year, 17 people serve our organization on this committee. The Past International President whose term as International President was completed two terms prior to the February appointment serves as chair, the Past International President whose term as International President was completed the term prior to the February appointment serves as co-chair and one additional Past International President serves on the committee as well.

One representative from each of the 14 regions is also appointed by the International President-Elect. These appointees consist of Past International President, Past International Directors, and Past District Directors. Some of these appointees may have served with the candidates, either at the District or international level, and may have first-hand knowledge of their abilities, experience, and leadership qualities.

How does the ILC arrive at its decisions regarding nominations? The approach is multifaceted:

  • Evaluate each candidate’s attributes and competencies relating to service on the Board.
    • The attributes of Board Members are outlined in the Leadership Roles.
    • The competencies of a Board Member are trust and credibility; emotional intelligence and cultural awareness; leadership; cooperation and collaboration; strategic thinking; objective analysis; and business acumen.
  • Conduct interviews with each candidate - discuss the candidate's experience and qualifications for the office being sought.
  • Review assessment results - completed by the candidate and Toastmasters leaders that have previously served with the candidate.
  • Listen to input from current and former leaders, and other Toastmaster members regarding the candidate.
  • Review candidate materials.
  • Review any Policy violations.

Once completed, the ILC discusses each candidate and votes on its final nominations. Those who are not nominated, but have met the eligibility requirements, may still be nominated by a voting member at the Annual Business Meeting and run from the floor.

Helpful Resources

Candidacy Information

Serving on the Toastmasters Board of Directors offers a tremendous opportunity to improve leadership skills.

International Officer and Director Candidates

View the International Officer and Director Candidates.